We heal in kommunity. We thrive in kommunity. We live in kommunity. It is who we are to our cores to have konnection in our lives with the humans around us. We are able to reach our highest selves when we surround ourselves with those doing the same. We are better humans, konnecting to a better world.


Healing is woven through every fiber of KAYA Kommunity. Every word spoken and every gathering is made with intention and created in safety. The conscious space to release and to embrace the shift of transformation is crucial to an environment where healing is intended. 


Whether it be through a guided meditation, one-on-one koaching, kourses & classes, in-person events, birth chart readings or retreats... empowerment will find you through these safe spaces. We not only heal in kommunity, we thrive in it.  We learn from each other and from our guides through the KAYA experience. 



Kambria Davis is an Astrologer & Sound Healer who sees life through the lens of energetics. After spending the majority of her adult life in high-level positions of management, she recognized that something just wasn’t sitting right with her soul. She trusted this call and left the hustle & bustle of corporate America to found KAYA. KAYA stands for “Kome As You Are” and is a safe space for humans to attend events and find kommunity. These transformational events range from moon ceremonies to retreats, private sound baths, Astrology workshops and more. She also offers personal one-on-one sessions as well as private birth chart readings. Kambria has extensive experience in holding space for humans at all points in their healing journeys. She understands how demanding life can be and that when our soul calls to us—these shifts & changes can feel scary. This is why she seeks to provide a safe space as people begin their journey back to their soul’s essence. She understands that everything is energy and uses this lens to navigate the world. She also believes that some of our greatest healing happens in kommunity; KAYA was born to be that safe space to welcome transformation in the safety of other humans, because when we heal ourselves… We help to heal the world.



Kome as you are. No matter where you are at in life or in your journey of healing and self-discovery, KAYA is a place for you. A kommunity of love. A kommunity of support. A kommunity of safety. A kommunity of healing. By healing ourselves, we help to heal the world.


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"I love when a group of people come together who want to work on being their best self. Just showing up tells you a lot about a person and what’s important to them. I had a great time and I left feeling so good. I will definitely be back."

Astrology of 2022 Workshop Attendee

"The love and compassion and space KAYA holds for me is amazing. Helps me look deeper into my values and truths to be present and step into growth."
