As an expert in both fields of entrepreneurship & Astrology, Kambria has curated a class designed to help you & your teams layer Astrology into your business practices in order to achieve a more meaningful sense of purpose, deeper relationships and long-lasting strategies & results.

It's time to immerse yourself in a different type of training...

A training that:

  • connects you with the cycles of the cosmos
  • gives you the confidence to make the right decisions & connections at the most aligned times
  • floods you, your teams & your clients with a new sense of purpose & fulfillment
  • deepens your company cultures to reflect the healing energy of the cosmos
  • provides you with an understanding of how Astrology impacts your business & your team/client relationships
  • opens up a new perspective of how to fulfill client & team needs
  • reveals how Astrological profiles (birth charts!) impact your careers & business

Your class is waiting for you...

If you feel called to book an Astrology & Business class for your team, or simply would like to know more about the class, start by filling out this form and Kambria will be in contact with you within 24-48 hours. 

Book your class here:

Please allow for 24-48 hours for a response to your booking inquiry. Thank you in advance.

A class tailored to every business need.

Kambria fully customizes this class to the needs of your business to provide an introduction to business energetics & Astrology that will leave your group with a fresh perspective and excitement to apply what they have learned. Here are some ideas of what a group class could look like:

Team Building

Allow your teams the time to get to know each other on a deeper energetic level and to understand how the Zodiac impacts peer relationships.

Cultivating Company Culture

Align your business practices with the healing energy of the cosmos and flow with its cycles & seasons more effortlessly than before.

Client Relationships

Dive deep into client needs through the cycles & seasons of Astrology and teach your teams how to energetically understand the desires of your clients.

Corporate Retreats

Book and Astrology chat for your team's next retreat, combining business energetics and an understanding of the Zodiac.

Testimonials from your KAYA Kommunity friends:


"This is one of my favorite spaces to be in. It brings me connection and understanding how to work with other people in my life."

"I love all of the Astrology that Kambria has to offer! [She] is meant to do this work."

"I love when a group of people come together to work on being their best self."

Start your booking here:

Please allow for 24-48 hours for a response to your booking inquiry. Thank you in advance.