Book your sound therapy experience now with KAYA Founder & Sound Healer Kambria Davis to begin your healing journey through the vibrational power of sound.


What is Sound Surfing?

Sound healing & sound therapy (AKA Sound Surfing, as KAYA Founder & Sound Healer Kambria Davis has named it) isĀ one of the fastest-growing wellness trends today. Although you may see it popping up in our modern world, it is an ancient and sacred practice used to realign the bodyā€™s frequencies & vibration through a variety of musically-focused techniques and intentional energetic focus.

Some of these techniques include:

  • Sound baths with crystal singing bowls
  • Chimes, drums or other tools
  • Vocal chanting
  • Music played through speakers
  • Tuning forks
  • Gong baths
  • Physical rhythmic movement
  • Guided meditation

"I'm new to the world of sound healing."

It's common to feel new to the world of sound healing and to question its benefits! Here is an introduction to the effects that a Sound Surfing session with Kambria can have for your mind, body & soul:

Improved Mental Health

Reduced anxiety & depression
Fewer mood swings
Improved cognitive function

Energy Clearing

Cleared blockages
Physical manifestations of release (tears, tingling, shaking, muscle spasms, etc.)

Physical Relief

Relief from aches & pains
The best restorative nap of your life!
Lower blood pressure & cholesterol levels

Other Impacts

Positive impact on PTSD, autism spectrum disorders, dementia & behavioral difficulties/disorders


"So what does the whole process look like?"

Each Sound Surfing session with Kambria will be customized to the participating humans with a combination of the techniques listed above. Here's what you can expect with the entirety of the Sound Surfing experience with Kambria:

  • Complete this booking form to begin the process
  • Kambria will reach out to discuss the booking within 24-48 hours
  • A typical Sound Surfing session will accommodate a one hour sound healing experience, tailored to the needs of the humans in attendance, within a 30-mile radius of Kambria's local location with an energy exchange of $222
  • Kambria will arrive early to prepare and cleanse the space
  • Most sessions will require the participants to be laying down, so be sure to notify your attendees of this atmosphere so they can come prepared with what they need to make them comfortable (yoga mats, bolsters, pillows, blankets etc.)
  • Little to no participation will be required of you & your attendees during a Sound Surfing session, however if Kambria would like you to participate in any of the techniques, she will let you know beforehand
  • Don't be surprised if you fall asleep during a Sound Surfing session or feel the need to cry during release. These experiences and more are completely normal. All humans are welcome and safe to process what surfaces for them during this experience with Kambria

Testimonials from your KAYA Kommunity friends:


"Sound healing has allowed me to explore more in-depth work in my healing journey."

"KAYA is what the world needs more of."

"I love coming to these because the energy here is just so powerful and it's such a safe space. I come to these knowing they will make me feel better."

"I absolutely cannot accurately describe in words how transported & transformed I felt after my first sound bath with Kambria. The sound bowls she chose for the session were exactly what my mind & body needed to relax and restore. The instrument she used to create ocean waves was absolutely the star of the show--it quite literally washed away every ounce of stress from my body. I am a CHANGED HUMAN because of this Sound Surfing experience!"

The healing vibrations of sound (and your booking form) is waiting for you...

If your soul feels called to book a Sound Surfing experience, fill out the form below. Don't hesitate to reach out via DM on socials or to [email protected] with all of your questions.

Book your Sound Surfing experience here:

Please allow for 24-48 hours for a response to your booking inquiry. Thank you in advance.